LogiQuest 3.5 リリースノート
- 新レガシーデータベース: 1997年版有害物質データベース(HMDF: Hazardous Materials Database) が追加されました。
- 新レガシーデータベース: 米国中央契約者登録(CCR: Central Contractor Registry)の最終版をレガシーデータフォルダに保存しました。CCRはCAGEデータビュー内にて、入札管理システム(SAM: System for Award Management)に変更されていました。
- 新機能: APLデータビューにX-RICデータが収録されるようになりました。
- 新機能: IS_MSCインデックスがAELとAPLの検索キーに追加されました。
- バグフィックス:
- バッチ昨日にて最初の入力時にレポートリストまたはダウンロードリストが重複する問題が修正されました。
- BIZOPPS内のNECOタブでIE11 XMLレンダリングのバグが修正されました。
- FLISとAELとAPLのシングルタブ表示モードでセクションを開く時に正しい位置にフォームが表示されるように修正されました。
- 高解像度の縦型モニタでの検索結果表示に縦サイズの制限が加えられました。これにより行の拡張表示の問題が修正されました。
- 「パーツリスト」タブと「FLIS-TIR」タブの翻訳が修正されました。
- Windows 10 Spartanが一部サポートされました。
- 「Cancelled Item Namesの」H6検索結果リストの色が変更されました。
- フォーム検索にて長いインデックス名の場合でもリストのサイズが適切に表示されるように修正しました。
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 3.4:
- New Feature: A Price History Chart has been linked to the Unit Price field in the Management Tab of the FLIS DataView (right-click).
- New Feature: A Single Tab Display of all FLIS data segments has been added. This is a preference setting (Options->Data Views).
- New Feature: FLIS, AEL and APL now have a right-click menu on their primary tabs to aid in navigating the various segment frames.
- New Feature: A filter option has been added to the Batch Search Tab allowing exact (including punctuation) matching of Part Numbers.
- Change: In Classic Plus searches, an operator can now be selected when using drop down selection indexes such as RNCC and RNVC.
- Change: The maximum length of Item Description fields has been increased to 2048 characters.
- Change: Historical Information flags have been added to FLIS Characteristics, MOE Rules and Freight segments in cases where DLIS has dropped the segment, but the NIIN itself is still current.
- Change: Hide/Show Detail buttons on FLIS displays changed to expand/collapse frames in a manner consistent with newer data view displays.
- Bug Fixes:
- Status grid now renders correctly when not in batch mode and switching to the status display in response to a batch completion notification.
- Switching between single tab and multi tab displays for AEL/APL didn’t always update the tab bar correctly.
- Resizing grid columns didn’t work correctly for the “floating” column.
- When searching in Forms Query mode, clicking the Clear or Reset buttons while using the Advanced features mode, set the wrong size for the input boxes.
- The List Manager form will now properly handle comments for the KEYWORD list. In addition, comments now work when using the Chrome or Safari browsers.
- Printing a report for a Search Group following a change to Batch mode and back would result in an error report.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 3.3:
- New Feature: An Account Summary Display has been added to the Options Menu.
- New Feature: The Search Result List has been added as an available download selection.
- New Feature: In non-IE browsers, the display form Menu and Toolbar Copy Function is now available.
- New Data View: A new NNRF (Navy NIIN Reference File) data view has been added. (FLIS Phrase data has been incorporated into this new view.)
- Improvement: The AEL & APL displays now show ISEA & RIC Quantity information on the Hull tab.
- Improvement: We have added RIC Version History information and a “New This Issue” indicator to the AEL & APL displays.
- Improvement: We have added additional component, assembly and manual/plan fields to the AEL & APL displays. (Historical components are also now included.)
- Change: All non-main record NIINs are now highlighted blue and directly XRef out when clicked. This has allowed us to remove all outbound select lists (For Example: The green Component NIINS tab in APL).
- Change: The Projections DLA “Source” information is now part of the SRVA grid.
- Change: The behavior when selecting drop list values in the Classic Plus & QBE interfaces has been improved.
- Change: The AEL & APL tabs have been updated to reflect historical WSF fields and we have added new component fields and new hull fields.
- Change: The AEL & APL CAGE and Obsolete RIC information are now in sub-records. The display switches automatically between grid and fielded format based on the number of respective values.
- Change: The BIDLIST_GRP has been renamed to the BIZOPPS_GRP for consistency.
- Bug Fixes:
- Added Note indicators to NIINs, CAGEs and RICs that were previously missing them.
- Fixed Copy & Paste functionality in IE9.
- Scan & Filter information was not being recalled correctly.
- Download delimiter option was not being disabled when the SQL download type was selected.
- The F2-F5 keys are now disabled if no search result list is present.
- Switching to Batch mode when on a cross-reference tab bar left the wrong tab active and a blank screen.
- The GDAEL Component grid was not expanding.
- The tab list in the preferences form displayed incorrectly in IE9.
- Changing the multi-tab/single-tab Data Views preference for APL/AEL when not on the hitlist resulted in the wrong tabs being displayed.
- IE9 and IE10 rendered batch and alert boxes incorrectly.
- The Administration Utility now works with IE9+, Chrome and Firefox.
- The Height of Auto Expanded Data Views element in Chrome and Firefox has been corrected.
- Menu link to the DoD eMall.
- Batch Query box could be left with no query expression.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 3.2:
- New Feature: RICs in AEL & APL Assemblies Tab are now clickable to directly link to NHAs and NLAs.
- New Feature: By customer request, AEL & APL now have an option to display all sections in a single tab. This behavior is controlled by a new preference setting.
- New Feature: In the case of the new AEL & APL single tab displays, the scan and filter functionality has been incorporated into the appropriate grids.
- New Feature: The CAGE dataview now has cross-reference tabs to other dataviews related the selected CAGE.
- New Feature: By customer request, several new batch preferences have been added: Page Break on Record and the saving of defaults for most batch settings on a database by database basis.
- New Feature: By customer request, Multi-Branch filtering of FLIS records in Batch mode has been added.
- New Feature: By customer request, e-mail addresses in CCR displays are now live links and clickable.
- New Feature: Right-Click lookups have been added for DODAACs.
- New Feature: A reset button has been added for default tab order in preferences.
- New Feature: The sub-record Scan and Filter feature now supports multiple terms.
- New Feature: BIZOPPS has been split into two dataviews. The BIZOPPS dataview contains all recent and currently open RFQs. The BIZOPPS_ARC dataview is an archive of past RFQs. A system search group has been added to allow cross-searching of both dataviews.
- Improvement: Additional fields have been added to the AEL & APL main record. Other displays have also been updated.
- Improvement: Cross-Reference drill downs have been removed from the recent search frame and moved to their own “Nested Search” frame.
- Improvement: The additional space was given to the key display of the forms based query.
- Improvement: The “Recent Searches” frame now lists searches in reverse order (most recent first) and vertically resizes to accommodate the list.
- Improvement: CAPS & DRAWINGS displays now have a direct cross-reference to QPDs.
- Improvement: Links have been standardized. External links are now blue and underlined while internal links and cross-references are just blue.
- Improvement: Clicking interactive search menu options will now cause a switch from batch to interactive even if they are already checked.
- Improvement: Tab hover text now shows the DataView display name.
- Improvement: Direct NIIN cross-reference support has been added to the following dataviews: CAPS, WUC, WUC_HIST, DRAWINGS, USAFTO, MSDS, PAM25_30 and WHEREUSED.
- Bug Fixes:
- Column width calculations involving fixed width columns with wide headers. This problem mainly showed up the Chinese (Taiwan) version of the product.
- Repair bug in the designers which left wrong sections visible after clearing a definition.
- Other minor bug fixes are included in this release.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 3.1:
- New Data View: QPDs. The DLA has been transitioning from Qualified Products Lists (QPLs) and Qualified Manufacturers Lists (QMLs) into an electronic equivalent called the Qualified Products Database (QPD). The LogiQuest implementation adds impressive search capabilities and extensive linkage to related documents and data.
- New Data View: Navy Issuances. A collection of Navy issued Directives, Instructions, Manuals and Memos.
- Performance Improvement: The display speed of the Components and MAPL tabs has been improved for the AEL, APL, GDAEL and GDAPL data views.
- Improvement: The CRF display form now has a status column in its Parts Table to indicate which parts are historical.
- Bug Fixes: Minor bug fixes are included in this release.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 3.0:
- New Feature: By request from customers moving to LogiQuest from other products, a forms-based (QBE style) search interface has been added. The new interface includes customer tailored search keys and an option to enable advanced search features. LogiQuest now supports a choice of three search interface options which may be selected from the ‘Search’ menu.
- New Feature: News. News messages and alerts are displayed after login. News messages are only displayed once per Username. Alerts are shown following every login until removed by the system administrator. The ‘View’ menu has an option to display news and alerts at any time.
- New Feature: SQL Server MDF files are now a supported download type. The downloaded MDFs may be attached to instances of SQL Server versions 2005 and later.
- New Data View: DoD Issuances. A collection of DoD issued Directives, Instructions, Manuals and Memos.
- New Data View: P2003 Navy Publications Index. This is a replacement for P2002 which has been moved to the Legacy Data folder.
- Improvement: Search Group (Cross Data View) searches now saved in the “Recent Searches” frame.
- Improvement: The Batch Search interface now allows the Addition, Deletion or Replacement of highlighted column keys in multi-column submissions. To highlight a column simply click on the column header.
- Improvement: When changing databases on the Batch Search Tab, input data are no longer cleared. This was done to avoid the need to re-enter data when the data entry was started with the wrong database selected. A separate ‘Clear Input’ button was added to remove the data when needed.
- Improvement: The Excel Batch Upload feature now supports both XLS and newer 2007/2010 XLSX workbook formats. (XLSB format is not supported.)
- Bug Fix: Excel Batch Upload now handles columns containing mixed numeric and text data. Previously, Part Number columns would show “Error not text”, when a pure number was mixed in a list of alpha-numeric entries.
- New Feature: A new check box: “Show Query Expression (Advanced use only)” has been added to the ‘Batch Search’ tab. This feature will allow more sophisticated batch searching. Its use will be described in the ‘Advanced Features Guide’.
- Improvement: Progress Tracking of large downloads has been improved.
- Bug Fixes: Minor bug fixes are included in this release.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 2.31:
- New Feature: Personal Search Groups. Users can now define their own groups of databases to be simultaneously searched. Right-Click on any group to see a list of its member databases and to create, edit or delete personal groups.
- New Behavior: By customer request – There is a new Preferred Source indicator which denotes companies that may be considered a Small Business based on specific NAICS in their CCR record.
- Improvement: The APL and AEL data in the Navy group of data views is now the most current data available from the Navy. There is a new Legacy Databases group which contains the historical GDAPL and GDAEL data last released in 2010.
- Improvement: When selecting a database in the Group Results pane it is now highlighted for easier identification.
- Bug Fixes: Minor bug fixes are included in this release.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 2.20:
- New Feature: The H3 database (Ammunition Codes) is now available as a separately searchable database.
- New Feature: Projections Database added. This new Data View shows anticipated future procurements for the DLA and the Air Force. Other branches will be added soon.
- New Feature: ILS Marine Parts Availability Database. Version 2.2 adds the Marine equivalent of the ILS Aviation Parts Database complete with Turbo-Linking.
- New Feature: On most displays that show NIIN data you can now click on the NIIN to hot-link to its display.
- New Feature: Search Groups – You can now cross-search all databases with common keys simultaneously. The initial implementation includes system defined groups of all databases with NIIN indexes and all databases with Part indexes. User defined groups are coming soon…
- New Behavior: By customer request – The “Close” and “Close All” buttons now behave slightly differently. The “Close” button now returns to the last active tab while the “Close All” button now returns to the primary Search tab.
- Improvement: Keyboard navigation for menu, tabs and toolbar have been improved for better section 508 support.
- New Feature: By customer request – “Copy” icons have been added to most frames on display forms. This feature copies the data from the display form for easy pasting into other documents.
- New Feature: “Copy Display Text” toolbar option to convert the HTML display form to text for printing or pasting and for better 508 support.
- Improvement: By customer request – A Ctrl-Q short-cut to the Quick Print feature has been added.
- New Feature: Excel 2007 format workbook downloads are now supported. This removes the 64,000 row restriction and allows worksheets with up to 1,000,000 rows each!
- Improvement: The download progress bar now shows the individual stages of the download. We still have more work to do, but this change should give you a better view of your job’s progress through the stages of download preparation.
- Improvement: New FLIS Item ID tab layout – The tab now includes the H3 DODAC code with right-click lookup.
- Improvement: By customer request – CAGE Type has been added to the CAGE right-click lookup.
- New Feature: Firefox 4, 5 and 6 are now supported.
- Improvement: Better session shutdown support for Safari, Opera and Firefox 4+ has been added.
- New Feature: A new display for Redstone data has been added to the BIZOPPS display.
- Improvement: Additional fields have been added to the obsolete NIIN information tables contained in the FLIS “Item ID” tab.
- Bug Fixes: Minor bug fixes are included in this release.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 2.10:
- New Feature: A User Preference has been added to hide the idle time warning pop-up.
- New Feature: Clipboard support added for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera.
- New Feature: Added Copy Icons to frames on the FLIS Freight tab. (We will be adding this feature to all displays as needed.)
- Performance: Image handling and code packaging has been improved for faster displays (particularly on high latency connections and slower machines).
- New Feature: Expand/Collapse All Data Views menu has been added. Right-Clicking on the blue Data Views bar will bring up the menu. These setting are “sticky” and will be saved.
- New Feature: My Favorites group for data views. Click the » icon or Right-Click “My Favorites” to configure your list.
- New Feature: Awards Display has new fields. (Line item information.)
- New Feature: New BIZOPPS displays broken down by source.
- New Feature: Request notification added for Administrator accounts.
- Improvement: APL/AEL SM&R field has been expanded to 6 characters.
- New Feature: New APL/AEL search indexes have been added (SMR and SSRC).
- Improvement: Keywords and FSCs have been added to BIZOPPS tracking lists.
- Bug Fixes: Many minor bug fixes are included in this release.
Changes in Release 2.00:
- New Feature: Support for the latest releases of Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera has been added.
- New Feature: Sideways scrolling tabs have been replaced by multi-row tabs.
- New Feature: A tree structured “Data Views” list has been added to accommodate the growing list of Databases/Data Views.
- New Databases: PSC – Product/Service Codes, Used In – Higher Assemblies, USAF Technical Orders, and DODAAF – Updated and Reformatted.
- New Feature: Greater Than (>) and Less Than (
- Improvement: Support has been added for Report and Download definitions than are larger than 32K.
- New Databases: EPLS – Excluded Parties List, Schedule B – Export Commodity Classifications, MSD – Material Support Division and WUC_Hist – Historical Work Unit Codes.
- New Feature: Drop-down index values have been added to Classic Plus searching.
- New Feature: Easier selection of both interactive and batch download types.
- Minor bug fixes.
Changes in Release 1.94:
- New Databases: SUPPTECH – Supplemental Technical Information, WUC – Work Unit Codes, GIDEP – Discontinued Parts Notices, Where Used – Where NIIN Used, SPMIG – Standard PMS Materials Guide.
- FLIS Display: Flag GIDEP discontinued parts.
- Added default search mode to preferences.
- Added support for sites which disable all Active-X
- Added various default sorting options for FLIS Part display to preferences.
- Added GIDEP login information to preferences.
- Added policing of drawings displayed based on account type.
Changes in Release 1.92:
- New Databases: Awards, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and PAM25_30 (Army Documents) have been added.
- Bug Fix: An APL display form timing issue has been fixed.
- Bug Fix: Multiple display tab clicks were being processed out of order.
Changes in Release 1.90:
- Grid Displays: The “Page Up” and “Page Down” buttons are now grayed out when there is only one display page.
- BIZOPPS: Solicitations may now be tracked by CAGE and NAICS codes as well as NIINs.
- BIZOPPS: The search result list now flags set asides and fast award candidates.
- BIZOPPS: Technical Documentation packages have been added. These include drawings and other documentation. C4 and TIFF format drawings have been converted to PDF for more convenient display and printing.
- BIZOPPS: Specs & Standards references have been added to the displays.
- BIZOPPS: A preference has been added to automatically display only “Open” solicitations in NIIN cross-reference tabs.
- BIZOPPS: A link to the original Solicitation has been added to email notifications.
- FLIS Order: Part Order may now be set as the default result list order/format.
- FLIS Part Display: Various sorting options have been added to the preferences. Up to three levels of sort may be specified. These include: Matches First, RNCC/RNVC Pair Priority, Preferred Vendors/Veterans, and Current/Historical.
- FLIS Management Display: A “Phrase Statement” summary grid has been added.
- FLIS Item ID: A link to the full FIIG has been added.
- Drawings: DLA Technical Documentation Packages have been added to the Drawings database.
- Drawings: The Viewer now has three display levels: Large Thumbnails, Full Page, and Full PDF file. The PDF file is automatically positioned to the page containing the selected drawing.
- MILSPECS: Document ID searching has been improved. If no matches are found when searching on the Document ID in Classic Mode or using a Tag in Quick Mode, LogiQuest will attempt a partial key match.
- Procurement History: The default system report has been improved.
- Batching: An “Ignore Column” key has been added to allow the skipping of unused columns in data uploads.
- Batching: Support for “Pass Thru” columns has been added to allow tagging of download output.
- Batching: Query Line Numbering has been added to download files to tie output to queries.
- Batching: Checkboxes have been added to the batch job status list. This allows the deletion of any number of jobs in a single operation.
- Self Registration: Users may now register their own LogiQuest User Ids.
- Admin Utility: An administration utility has been added. This allows an account administration to control user ids within his/her domain.
- Error Handling: LogiQuest now ignores duplicate transactions generated by Trend Micro’s anti-phishing feature.
- Error Handling: Unexpected HTML packets are now displayed on the customer’s workstation to facilitate debugging.
- Submit Website: Customers may now submit web sites for inclusion into the Logistics Web search. The submit form is currently found in the Help Menu.
- Contact Us: A “Contact Us” Form has been added to the Help Menu.
- Notes: User Notes may now be attached to NIINs, CAGEs and RICs. This feature can be accessed through the right-click menus associated with those fields.
- Customize Dialogs: The Customize Reports/Download Dialogs now have “Clear All” and “Reset” buttons.
- Record Ranges: The Interactive Download Dialog now supports a Record Range feature similar to that of Reports.
- Batch Status: The Batch Status Tab layout has been modified to better show aborted jobs and those with exceptions. Additionally, the exception list has been limited to 500 entries.
- Broadcast Messages: A facility to broadcast alerts to logged-in users has been added.
- Reports: Default report layouts have been improved.
- Bug Fixes:
- A timing bug in “Print Report” has been fixed.
- Several bugs when changing the job type display in the Batch Status Tab have been fixed.
- Empty files are no longer downloaded when a search returns zero hits.
Changes in Release 1.81:
- DODISS: The DODISS View has been renamed MILSPECS to more accurately describe its content.
- BIDLIST: The BIDLIST View has been renamed BIZOPPS and now has an “Awards” tab.
- NIIN tracking and notification has been added. Right click on any NIIN to add it to your tracking list.
- Options/Preferences allow you to set notification email addresses and choose report formats.
- A NIIN list editor has been added: From either the right click menu or the toolbar select “Edit Tracking Lists”. An editor will open that allows you to manage your NIIN list. NIINs may be deleted, made active/inactive, and commented.
- Drawings: The drawings display interface has been greatly enhanced. New indexes have been added: NIIN, NSN, CAGE, Part Number, and Company Lookup.
- Preferred Vendors: CAGE codes associated with “preferred vendors” of many types can now be flagged. By default all preferences are enabled, but they can be controlled through Options/Preferences. The following grids will display the appropriate icons: CAGE Result List, FLIS Part Order Result List, FLIS Part Number grid, all three CAGE tabs, Company Info grids in Procurement and BIZOPPS. Right-Clicking the icon will display the preferences associated with the CAGE.
- Sorting: The FLIS Part Order and BIZOPPS result lists may now be sorted:
- Single columns by clicking on the columns with an up/down arrow icon.
- Right-Click the upper left hand corner of the grid to display a multi-column sort dialog box.
- DoD eMall: A “hot-link” has been added to the NIIN right-click menu which takes you to the DoD eMall.
- GSA Advantage: A “hot-link” has been added to the NIIN, Part Number, and Item Name right-click menus which takes you to GSA Advantage. This feature may also be accessed through the “Search” menu. The search menu link passes your entire search (or no search) to the GSA site.
- CAGE/FSC/INC: The right-click pop-up now includes an option to see the full record display.
- APL/AEL: All tabs now include the “Additional Header Information” found on the first tab.
- CAGE: Tab order has been changed to CAGE/CCR/Financials.
- Batch Status: Multiple jobs can now be selected and deleted using the Ctrl-Click/Shift-click convention.
- Tab Display: For data views with multiple segments (such as the FLIS) tabs without data will no longer be displayed. (For this release, this applies only to the searched view.)
- Grid Menu: Right-Clicking the top left corner of a grid will display a pop-up menu with the following options:
- Reset Columns: Resets column orders and sizes to their defaults.
- Sort Grid: Displays the multi-column sort dialog.
- Clear Sort: Clears single or multi-column sorts.
- Copy Grid: Copies the content of the current grid page to the clipboard in a form suitable for pasting into applications like Excel.
- NIIN Menu: Right-Clicking any NIIN will display the following pop-up menu options:
- Track NIIN: Add the NIIN to the BIZOPPS tracking list.
- Edit NIIN List: Edit the BIZOPPS tracking list.
- Check DoD EMALL: Search the DoD EMALL for this NIIN.
- Check GSA Advantage: Search GSA Advantage for this NIIN.
- Copy: Copy this NIIN to the clipboard.
- Part Number Menu: Right-Clicking any Part Number will display the following pop-up menu options:
- Check GSA Advantage: Search GSA Advantage for this Part Number.
- Copy: Copy this Part Number to the clipboard.
- Item Menu: Right-Clicking Item Name or Nomenclature will display the following pop-up menu options:
- Check GSA Advantage: Search GSA Advantage for this Item Name.
- Copy: Copy this Item Name to the clipboard.
- Additional Grid Copy Support:
- When one or more rows are selected, Ctrl-C copies the content of the selected row(s).
- When there is user selected text, only that text is copied by Ctrl-C or the toolbar copy option.
- As mentioned above the grid right-click menu can copy an entire grid page.
- Batch: Data lists may now be pasted into the batch submission grid.
- CAGE: New index groups have been added to the “Classic Search” keys. These allow searching on the primary address fields only (vs all addresses).
- CAGE: New indexes: Employees, Revenue, CAGE_InDrawings, CAGE_InBIZOPPS.
- DODAAF: New index for type of address.
- BIZOPPS: New index for award number.
- MAPL: Better handling of blanks when filtering reference designator. Switch to fixed width font for reference designator.
- APL/AEL: Several bugs were fixed:
- AEL: Missing 4th digit in column 8 of the display of the allowance table.
- AEL: Standard download was missing the 8th column.
- The “Item Name” column name was changed to “Navy Item Name” in the Part Information Grid on the Component tab.
- FLIS: ISC and NIIN Status decodes were added to the Item Name tab.
Changes in Release 1.78:
- CAGE/MRIL: Decodes and Definitions have been added.
- AEL and APL: Now include WSF data and have revised display forms.
- AEL and APL: Now include NIIN based cross-references when the APL/RIC has an NSN.
- D049: The D049 has been reorganized as an end-item style database with a new display form.
- Scanning & Filtering: The scanning & filtering interface has been generalized.
- User Guide: The User Guide has been updated for Release 1.7.
Changes in Release 1.77:
- Drawings Database: A new drawings database has been added to LogiQuest. The initial load contains drawing three DSCC files: DSCC Drawings, Standard Microcircuit Drawings, and Vendor Drawings.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 1.7:
- Blind Login: Several companies have requested “blind login support”. (The ability to include LogiQuest in a menu of products used by their employees with logins handled behind the scenes.) This feature has been added.
- ILS Linkage. We have added searching of the ILS “Parts Availability” and “Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul” files to this version. These files have been tied into the NIIN XRef system and “Turbo-Linking” to ILSMart has been implemented in LogiQuest.
- DODISS: Military Specs & Standards have been added to this release. The data includes:
- Document Overview
- Document PDFs
- SD-1 Responsibilities Contact Data
- Hot-Links into the DAPS Assist Web Site
- Hazardous Materials list
- Company Lookup: Additional Search Keys have been added to the Company Lookup sub-search. They are: City, State and Country.
- Report/Download Designer: New features were added to support the formatting of Excel and Access downloads. The designers were also updated to allow you to easily move Sections and Fields up or down within a design.
- Excel Workbook Support: Release 1.7 includes support for the download of multi-sheet Excel workbooks (BIFF8 format).
- Access Support: This release also includes support for the downloading of multi-table Access MDB files.
- Open Bids: The first of several “Open Bid” databases has been added. These files are updated daily.
- Report/Download Cancel: Long reports and downloads may now be cancelled during the generation stage.
- Download Customization: Downloads and Reports may now be tailored at the Section and Field Level from within the Report/Download dialogs.
- The system downloads have been extensively reworked. They have been reworked for a better default presentation in Excel and Access.
- A new preference was added to change default download extensions. (This is useful if your firewall blocks standard extensions.)
- SL-6: The Marine Corps SL-6 (1&2) databases have been added to this release.
- D200F: The D200F has been reorganized to be more consistent with other BOM style data presentation.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 1.6:
- Multi-Line Column Headers in FLIS Parts Tab: To allow more columns to be visible in the “Part List” display, the “RN” codes were abbreviated to “FC”, “CC”, “AAC”, etc. That caused some confusion to new users. We’ve added a second line to the “Part Information” headers. The change allows a fuller description while preserving horizontal space.
- JavaScript Optimization: Most of the JavaScript within the application has been optimized. The optimization should improve user interface performance on slower PCs.
- "Eliminate Download Duplicates" has been hidden when selecting a Report in Batch. (The option doesn’t apply to reports and should not have been displayed.)
- Fixed a bug which prevented the user from seeing more than 50 jobs on the “Batch Status” tab.
- Eliminated Synchronous Post Transactions: “Download” and “Print” transactions simply waited while the requested data was generated on the server. This caused a problem with some proxy servers. They would time-out the transaction and retry the request. The continuous retries prevented the transaction from ever completing.
- Added unique identifiers to all batch transactions.
- "System Alert Dialogs" were replaced with a custom dialog which does not block other events. The dialogs were causing random communications errors.
- Batch users now have access to all indexes. Previously some branch specific indexes in FLIS were not displayed.
- Batch Preferences have been added.
- Many Microsoft Data Source Objects have been removed from post transactions in favor of an internally developed XML object. These give better performance and are a step towards future “Firefox” support.
- Fixed a resizing problem in the FLIS Characteristics tab.
- Fixed Bug in processing batch jobs when the number of fields was different from row to row.
- Grid cells now have hover text when the data exceeds the visible column width.
- Batch Status Transactions are now only sent when there is a running batch job.
- Bug Fix: Filter was not completely cleared when moving between tabs in APL.
- Result Lists can now display decodes and definitions.
- Reports use our new background asynchronous server support. You may now continue to work on other things while Reports complete.
- Two Row Column Headers added to CRF grid. See (1) above.
- Fixed: A bug which prevented seeing more than the first page of Companies in a Company Lookup sub-search.
- Fixed: A bug which occurred if the user switched between NIIN mode and Part mode too quickly.
- Fixed: A bug which caused a key display problem if the user changed databases quickly too many times in a row.
- Fixed: Resizing problems with the FLIS Freight and Item tabs.
- Fixed: A bug which could leave the submit button disabled in TC lookups.
- Fixed: The index name for LOCATION in WPS (previously SERVICE).
- Fixed: The column name for LOCATION in WPS (previously SITE or SERVICE).
- Fixed or Updated: The following download definitions: CHAIN, LIRSH, FLIS, D043, H6, D200F and Procurement.
- Fixed: The LIRSH report definition.
- Fixed: A bug which could result in data not being displayed in a record detail form.
- Added: New page-break on record change option for printed reports.
- Changed: LogiQuest once again starts up with “Data Views” open. New support was added to automatically collapse “Data Views” when a “Scan & Filter” dialog opens.
- Grid Copy/Paste Improvements:
- Highlighting a single cell allows copying just that information.
- Highlighting multiple cells on a single row allows copying just the cells highlighted.
- Clicking on a column header while holding the control-key selects an entire column. The copy operation will unselect the column. A column is also unselected by either selecting another column, or by simply clicking on the column header of a selected column.
- The search key grid in the batch display supports pasting a single column of data at a time. The user can start on any cell in any visible column. This means the user can type in several terms then paste in more. (Columns copied from other grids.)
- In each case above the user can use CTRL-V, the menu or the toolbar to do the copying.
- Copy Items needing additional work: Highlighting multiple rows in a grid will result in the contents of hidden columns being copied.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 1.5:
- One to many database cross-referencing has been added. In this initial release these cross-references include the APL, AEL, and D049 files. A one to many xref is indicated by a green tab. When one of these tabs is clicked, several things happen:
- Your current record list (Search Tab) is saved and is replaced by the list of cross-referenced records.
- Green “Close” and “Close All” buttons appear in the lower left hand portion of your screen. Clicking the “Close” button will back out of one level of cross-reference. Clicking “Close All” will back out any number of cross-references and return to your original search.
- In the recent searches box, indented entries will appear for each level of cross-reference. Clicking anywhere in the list will back up to the selected level.
- Cross-References may be further refined using the “Search” tab.
- NIIN Cross-References out of APL and AEL.
- Improved right click help on Quick Searches.
- A new "waiting" indicator on display forms. When scrolling through records, LogiQuest will now display an IE 7 style rotating circle while waiting for data. It also slightly dims the display.
- For those preferring the old style Procurement displays, a new "Condensed View" is available.
- Per CAGE Procurement totals have been added to the CAGE summary within the Procurement display.
- Procurement summary information has also been added in a new "Financials" tab on the CAGE display.
- The CAGE standard report now includes detail information (decoding) for SIC, PIC, FSC, NAICS, and Business Type codes.
- Reports and Downloads may now be initiated from within Cross-References.
- Tabs displayed and tab order may now be set in preferences.
- Historical records have been added to the AEL and APL databases. As with FLIS, the historical records are grayed when displayed. They may be filtered using the “Status” index.
- EIC (End Item Code) and FSC (Federal Supply Class) lookups/sub-searches have been added to the FLIS.
- Lookup performance has been improved for CAGEs, INCs, and FSCs.
- Data definitions and right-click decodes have been added to AELs and APLs.
- Right-click decodes have been added to LIRSH and AMDF.
- Improved copy functionality has been added to display forms (including grids).
- Hit-List Decodes have been added for the following databases: AEL, AMDF, APL, CRF, D043, LIRSH, DODAAF, and FLIS.
- Right-Click Help added to “Select List” refinement, Right-Click helps were updated throughout the product to include new indexes.
- Print Dialog Changes:
- Default record selection changed from “All” to “Current”.
- A new "Are you sure?" confirmation has been added for reports greater than 500 records.
- APL and AEL Changes:
- Hull Tab: “Activity Status” is now labeled "A/S Status".
- Hull Tab: A "Status" column has been added to accommodate historical Hull Data.
- Component Tab: LSSC text will display for records that do not have components.
- Decodes and definitions have been added throughout the AEL/APL displays.
- Batch Changes:
- Filtering is now available (Based on the Query)
- Several options were moved out of the “Options” dialog and onto the main "Batch Submission" form. These include: Branch Code Filtering, Eliminate Duplicate Queries, and Eliminate Duplicate Records.
- The Report Name now fills in by default.
- Historical Data Indicators added to: FLIS, AEL, APL, AMDF and NMDF display forms.
- EIC (End Item Code) lookups have been added to: AEL, APL, D043, LIRSH, MRIL, NICN, NMDF, P2300, and SNUD.
- SMIC Indexes have been added to: AEL, APL, LIRSH, MRIL and P2300.
- MMAC Index has been added to the D043.
- Financial Summary Information has been added to CAGE displays. (Based on Procurement History totals.)
- Index (Search Key) Order has been changed in the FLIS (Based on frequency of use.)
- Added the Download Options Dialog to the Batch Submission Form.
- FSC indexes have been added to AMDF, NMDF, LIRSH and MRIL.
- Bug Fixes:
- Database Issue Dates now update without flushing the cache file.
- Fixed CAGE Results List to include missing columns.
- Recent Search List now scrolls when needed.
- Fixed bugs in Company Name and Characteristics sub-searches involving the "Select All" button.
- Submit Button on Characteristics Reply screen now enables/disables correctly.
- Canceling a Characteristics Reply selection now correctly restores any previous filter.
- Adds/Deletes or Modifications to custom Report or Download definitions, while in batch mode, can now be seen without switching databases or logging out.
- A problem with time-outs while preparing interactive downloads which took more than one minute has been fixed.
- Drop-Down Lists in Modal Dialogs now work under IE 7.
- Multi-Term Web Searches using the “Classic” Interface now work correctly.
- A number of fields/grid columns were resized to avoid data truncation.
- It is now easier to select field-width for change in the download/report designers.
- It is now easier to change Report/Download definition names.
- Corrected label on UIC Index in APL and AEL from Unit of Issue Code to Unit Identification Code.
- The Company Name Lookup now displays the name that matched the search performed.
- Right-Clicks on Company Names (in the Company Name Lookup) now display all indexed names.
- D043 and D049 FSC Index misspelling fixed.
- Dialog Boxes now have a key handler to trap IE key events (Like F5 – Refresh)
- Dialog Boxes now trap the Escape Key to properly close the dialog.
- Quick Print has been fixed so that it correctly handles APL Microfiche Print Options.
- CAGE Index was removed from the P2002 database.
- Fixed a problem with partially hidden controls on the Batch Status tab.
- WPS Download definitions were cleaned up.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 1.41:
- Bug Fixes:
- Occasionally incoming and outgoing messages collide within Internet Explorer. These collisions can cause sessions to hang or restart messages to appear. Retries have been added to this release to avoid the problem.
- Upon first use of the product (or clearing of the IE cache), on a fast machine, the product startup occasionally failed. The problem has been fixed.
- IE7 blocks programmatic closing of the login screen. If the user attempted a second login, using the original screen, that login would fail. The login screen has been changed to allow multiple consecutive logins.
- The User Manual has been updated.
- Several databases have been updated.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 1.40:
- The “Classic Plus” display has been rearranged. We’ve given the key list a lot more space on the display. This allows for three improvements:
- Better key descriptions.
- Hierarchical Key Lists: Many new keys have been added to the FLIS database. These are now broken out by service.
- Better breakout of cross-database search keys (like Procurement).
- The button layout is a little less convenient, however if you stick to double-clicking keys you would like to add, and hitting enter to search, the buttons are not usually needed.
- Support has been added for load-balancing. This includes support for proxy servers.
- A “Part Order” display has been added to the FLIS data view. Just click on “Set Part Order” on the Toolbar.
- Added support for Data Compression. Large HTML, JavaScript, and XML transfers are now compressed. This greatly reduces the amount of data transferred and should give people on slower lines a significant performance boost.
- Procurement Displays: We have completely reworked the display of procurement information. Prior versions took the “lowest common denominator” approach. In other words, only the data items that were common across many sources were displayed. The new layout shows almost all of the data we receive from each source. This is a work in progress; we still have work to do in the area of proper price interpretation from some of the data sources.
- A keyword index has been added to the procurement data view.
- “Data Views” now comes up closed. This is to allow addition space for recent searches and expanded filtering support.
- Bug Fixes:
- Bug in the Category Dropdown menu of Characteristics Searching.
- Fixed a double click bug in both Company and Characteristics search screens.
- Fixed a problem with removing indexes in Classic Plus when searching Web data.
- Fixed a double click bug in both the Company and Characteristics search screens.
- Added application state values to prevent problems caused by removing indexes in Classic Plus while a search was outstanding.
- Clear the Scan & Filter values when changing records or tabs.
New Databases in Release 1.40:
- WPS – The Weapons Systems File – has been added.
- PMA – The FAA has changed the format of the PMA file. The application has been updated to accommodate the changes.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 1.34:
- Field Definitions added to: AMDF, CRF, D043, DODAAF, H6, LIRSH.
- Scan and Filter enabled for D200F components.
- New Keyword index added to D200F.
- Resized fields on D200F display form to better fit the data.
- Databases which support filtered tables will now filter when viewed as a cross-reference.
- Modified the D043 display form to include more information.
- Bug Fixes:
- Problem with the idle time shutdown support.
- Problem when double clicking in an empty company lookup grid.
- Problem when double clicking in an empty grid row in both Characteristics and Company lookups.
- Problem when changing the column order of a grid.
- Problem when clicking the Remove button in Classic Plus when there weren’t any search terms.
New Databases in Release 1.33:
- The Air Force D200F – Air Force Indentures – has been added.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 1.33:
- The Corporate URL in the CAGE display is now a hot link.
- The user license agreement has been changed from a signed document to a “click wrap” license the first time the account is used.
- Field definitions have been added to the CHAIN database.
- A link to terms and conditions has been added to the help menu.
- “Filtering” has been added to many database grids:
- AEL: Component and Hull grids
- APL: Component, MAPL and Hull grids
- CRF: Parts grid
- D043: I&S grid
- FLIS: Part Info, External Parts and Price Info grids
- NICN: NICN Info grid
- P2300: Family Info grid
- Procurement: Contract Info grid
- D200F: Assemblies Component grid
- Note that the filtering does not take place on cross-references currently. This will be added in the next point release.
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Minor bug in characteristics search grids.
- Fixed: Bug which left tabs from previous search displayed after zero hits search.
- Fixed: Bug which caused data not to be displayed in an expanded grid the first time the grid was used/expanded.
- Fixed: Bug which prevented display forms from updating after changing filter states.
- Tests were added to prevent use of excessive user data.
Changes and Bug Fixes in Release 1.32:
- Communications capacity was doubled.
- When starting the application from a maximized browser the application window will size itself to closely match the dimensions of the maximized window.
- Saving and accessing user data in Internet Explorer has been improved; after the first use of the application, startup will be faster.
- Added “Processing login request. Please Wait.” Message.
- License agreement and Contact information was added to the login screen.
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Exceeding user data capacity resulted in a “Disk Full” error.
- Fixed: Bug when restoring Quick Search in Classic mode resulted in a syntax error.
- Fixed: User could submit a search before the application was fully initialized.
- Fixed: Bug when changing the filter while viewing the match list.
- Fixed: Bug when changing to batch mode by using the menu option rather than the toolbar.
- Fixed: Bug when adding a characteristics search after another term whose search was not yet completed.
- Fixed: P2002 indexing bug was corrected.
- Fixed: PID loading bug was corrected. Many additional PIDs were added.
New Databases in Release 1.31:
- The Navy P2002 – Navy Stock List of Publications and Forms Index – has been added.
New Features in Release 1.30:
- FLIS and Procurement Counts have been added to the Company Name sub-search.
- Database counts have been added to the CAGE display.
- Display performance has been enhanced, especially for users with IE set to check for newer versions on every page visit.
- Download and Report Designers have been simplified.
- Special character handling has been improved in Quick Search.
- Navigation with Web Search has been improved.
Known Limitations and Restrictions:
- Batching: Uploads are limited to ½ hour of elapsed time and 100MB of data. If this causes a problem, please let us know and we will attempt to up those limits.
- Excel Support: Excel support is currently limited to single spreadsheets. Workbook support will be added in a future release.